Does your diaper bag have everything you need in it? Of course, you have the basic items: diapers, wipes, bottles, etc. But are you equipped for any “baby situation” that could possibly arise? It may seem like a lot of gear, but if you bring along the following baby paraphernalia when you head out, you’ll be ready for just about anything.
1. Diapers
Bring more than you think you’ll need. Even if your baby’s body works like clockwork, today could be the day when everything changes. Extra supplies also come in handy if your outing keeps you out longer than you had planned.
2. Baby Wipes
Same goes for the wipes. They’re also great for cleaning spit-up off of little hands, folds of the neck and yourself.
3. Change of Clothes For Baby-
Make sure this is a complete change of clothes, including extra socks if the outfit requires. There is no such thing as a leak-proof diaper. Sometimes the mess can travel further than you can imagine.
4. Spare Shirt For Yourself
There aren’t many moments more uncomfortable than walking around wearing your baby’s lunch or reeking of sour baby odors.
5. 2-Quart Sized Resealable Plastic Bags
These are perfect for storing soiled clothing until you get home.
6. Extra Food
Pack one more feeding than you think you’ll need. If today is the day your baby decides to increase his or her food intake, or, once again, if you are out longer than you planned, you’ll want to be prepared with enough food.
7. Plastic Changing Pad
You’ll always have a clean place to lay your baby for diaper and clothing changes if you bring this along. Many times, these come with the diaper bag.
8. Blanket or Jacket
If the weather becomes cooler while you’re out and you’re not prepared, you may be heading home sooner than you’d like. Also, some malls and grocery stores maintain cooler temperatures than you may have dressed your baby for.
9. Extra Pacifier
Store one in a plastic sandwich bag. If one drops on the floor or mysteriously disappears, as pacifiers are wont to do, it’ll be no big deal.
10. Pediatrician’s Phone Number
Hopefully, you’ll never need to call your baby’s doctor while you’re away from home. But if you do, you’ll be glad you have it.
10 Items Of The Well-Stocked Diaper Bag