Most people, who aren’t internet marketers, don’t fully understand what internet marketing really is all about. At it’s core, internet marketing is just a way to use the vast potential of the internet to find more customers. There are many things you will want to learn when you start marketing online and that is where advanced internet marketing training comes in.
Why Internet Marketing
Why internet marketing? Why not? There has never been a time when it has been so easy for the average person to start a business. With an internet marketing business you do not need much money, you can learn all the skills you need and you can make a virtually unlimited income. Instead of asking why internet marketing, you should be asking, what am I waiting for?
Now, here is the catch you may have expected, many people will ask why more people are not successful at internet marketing if it is so easy, and the answer to that is that it is not that easy. I know, it sounds like I am contradicting myself, but I am really not. You see starting a business online is cheaper, easier and quicker than it would be if you tried to open a business off line.
There are so many free or low cost resources you can use online. Every form of business online is less expensive than it would be offline. But, that does not mean it won’t take some time, work, or money, it just won’t take as much.
Most people fall for the hype of some magical push button, do it all for you software or system. FYI, there is no such thing. There are many ways you can automate or outsource aspects of your business but there is no magic Genie that will do it all for you.
You have to be willing to invest time to learn some basic skills before you can expect to make any money. Then you have to be willing to invest some time to put those skills to work on a consistant basis. Don’t forget, you are building a business here. Rome wasn’t the only thing that wasn’t built in a day.
Once you have some money coming in you should reinvest that money into your business so you can scale your business up. Your first few months you will either not make anything at all or will only make a few hundred dollars. In most cases, it won’t be what you might call life altering money.
But, if you put that money back into your business, either to hire people to do some of the work for you so more can get done in the same amount of time, or to invest in some software or services to do some aspects of your business, you will really start to see some big results in the next couple of months.
Realistically, you may be able to achieve enough income in about 3 – 6 months, on average, to replace your full time income. From that point on it simply becomes a “rinse and repeat” type of process. Just keep doing this until you are making all the money you want to be making and until you are working only the amount of time you want to work.
Not only can you conceivably build your business as big as you want, you can also build it in such a way that you don’t even have to spend many hours working on it every week. Passive income online is very, very realistic but only if you are willing to work on it in the beginning until your business is actually generating some income and you can automate and/or outsource some aspects of it.
Advanced Internet Marketing
Obviously, before you worry about advanced internet marketing you need to make sure you have a firm grasp of the basics. With so many methods to connect with others online you must know what works, and what doesn’t.
Another thing you should keep in mind is that things online change quickly. What worked great yesterday, or last year, either might not work as well or they might not work at all.
A big part of the reason for this is that the search engines are continually updating their programming (their algorithms) in the hopes of improving the experiences of their searchers.
These changes can, and sometimes do, have a dramatic impact on the websites online. It is important that you stay current with these changes.
More than one internet marketer has gone to bed with a website that was doing really well:ranked high and getting a lot of traffic, only to wake up the next morning and find their once first page site is now on page 117 of the results.
Of course there are ways to avoid that and the best method is to update your site frequently (this is why a lot of internet marketers prefer a WordPress blog style website. It is easy to update) and provide your website visitors with a lot of quality.
The search engines are getting better at being able to detect quality content on a website. They will reward that site by giving it a high placement on the results page.
Internet Marketing Strategies
Here are a few of the internet marketing strategies you will want to implement. Some of these are more about getting traffic to your website, others are more about converting that traffic into paying customers. But they are all necessary:
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – if you want your website ranked highly, you have to let the search engines know what your site is about. Using simple SEO strategies on your site can help you get more free, targeted traffic.
2. Pay Per Click (PPC) – this advanced technique of getting traffic can work quickly but only after you learn how to do it. There is a learning curve and it will cost you if you make mistakes.
3. Email Marketing: this is more about “bonding” with your website visitors and building trust with them than actually driving traffic. Online it can be hard to stand out from the crowd and let people “get to know you” or trust you. By having a chance to send them emails over a period of time you can build rapport with them.
Learning some basic and advanced internet marketing skills can help you turn your business into a very profitable endeavor. It doesn’t matter if you have an offline business or an online business, learning new skills can help you make more money.
Advanced Internet Marketing