How To Stop Wasting Time And Increase Your Productivity. I have to confess one of my deepest, darkest secrets to you: I am a chronic time-waster. I can throw away my leisure time by doing virtually anything–text messaging, calling people I don’t really want to talk to, napping, eating, playing video games, or surfing the web. You name it, and I can drain away the minutes and even hours into doing it.
Stop Wasting Time
That is not to say that any one of these activities does not have a worthy place in your schedule at certain times. But if you are anything like me, you sometimes glance at the clock and say, “Wow, is it really that late–already? I was supposed to do so many other things today.”
If you feel that way, even if it is only from time to time, you have probably wondered how you can get your act together, stop wasting time, and become more productive. Believe me, you aren’t alone. Let me give you a few suggestions.
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First of all, you need to evaluate what it is exactly that you are wasting your time on. Are there particularly websites on the net which seem to suck up your attention? I am a chronic social networker, for example, so I find it helpful to block these websites when I need to get something done.
You may need to take more drastic measures, however. One instance where I had to take more extreme action was when I replaced an old computer–I chose to refrain from reinstalling the video games onto my new laptop. I then sold all of my gaming software.
You may also find it necessary to sell video games and the entertainment systems that go with them. Try to be wholly honest with yourself when you make this assessment. If you think you can discipline yourself, then you might hang onto them to use in your reward system for accomplishing certain tasks.
Once you have cleared away unnecessary distractions, it is important to formulate a to-do list which you keep for daily, weekly, and monthly use. Try to set achievable goals for each of these time increments.
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Make them as highly specific as possible. Instead of saying, “I am going to study more,” you might decide, “I will review notes and lecture materials for each of my classes for fifteen minutes each day.” It may help to have an accompanying day planner to help you keep track of the time you need to spend completing your to-do list.
Then, when you reach your goals, reward yourself with something you enjoy. Whether you decide to turn back to your video games or surf the web, you will feel like you earned it. But be careful–don’t overdo it! Try setting a timer for thirty minutes and wrap up your activity once it goes off.
There are few feelings worse than when you realize how much time you have wasted and how much you might have accomplished. Don’t let that keep happening to you–dedicate yourself to more productivity.
How To Stop Wasting Time And Increase Your Productivity